短鼻狗和小型犬最容易遇到氣管的問題 我看過的小瑪也都幾乎有這種疾病
第一次聽到罵許發生豬叫聲的時候我真的嚇壞了 可是當時沒有將罵許發作時的聲音錄下來
所以只能靠口頭敘述給醫生聽 醫生聽完都跟我說這叫做氣管塌陷
我就這樣相信醫生的講法 上網查了一大堆氣管塌陷的文章
但直到近半年 我才發現我錯了 因為我看到氣管塌陷狗狗發作時的影片 他們所發出的聲音跟罵許發作時發出的聲音不一樣
所以我就將罵許發作時的聲音錄下來 拿給醫生看 醫生這時跟我說這個不叫氣管塌陷 這叫做猛烈吸入鼻腔症狀
接下來就跟大家介紹這兩種疾病 大家不要再搞混囉
氣管塌陷(Collapsing Trachea)
原著:Stephen J. Ettinger
當 氣管的軟骨軟化鬆弛時就會造成氣管塌陷。氣管就像比較硬的園藝用水管,從終端看過來,氣管是呈現由緊密的膜覆蓋U型結構頂部的構造。當管子某處的軟骨軟化 鬆弛,該部位就會塌陷,造成結構頂部變寬,覆蓋的膜就鬆弛的懸垂而造成管子內的阻礙,這樣造成呼吸時空氣不能順利的進出氣管和肺部。
A: 對於許多早期發生氣管塌陷的狗來說預後仍是良好的,但是當發生嚴重的呼吸窘迫時,病況可能變得嚴重、需要終生治療;嚴重咳嗽的發作和呼吸窘迫對於預後有不 好的影響。飼主應該要能察覺這些寵物治療的反應,若對於咳嗽可能繼續發生的程度沒有適當的了解,飼主可能會感覺到挫敗且尋求其他的治療。
↓下面兩張圖為罵許氣管的x光片 可以發現罵許的氣管非常的正常 平順且不狹窄
雖然罵許氣管的x光片非常的正常 但是造成氣管塌陷的另一個原因是鼻軟骨塌陷
鼻軟骨是否有塌陷無法藉由x光片判斷出 因此還是需要請各位拔拔麻麻多多注意家裡狗狗呼吸的聲音是否有所不同喔
當家中的瑪爾濟斯忽然沒理由地發生呼吸困難.喘不過氣.咳嗽,甚 至發出類似鵝叫的聲音時,很有可能就是氣管塌陷.很多小型犬都有這方面的問題,通常是氣管有某一小段發生塌陷,另氣體無法輸入肺部,使狗產生呼吸困難的症 狀,一般短時間內就會恢復,但嚴重的氣管塌陷,人可能造成狗狗窒息.缺氧
猛烈吸入鼻腔症狀(Reverse Sneezing)
1. 春秋季節變化時,容易發生
2. 喝水喝太快,也有可能發生
3. 喉嚨那邊肌肉痙攣,或者喉嚨裡通往氣管的的開合不全所產生的暫時現象
3. 喉嚨那邊肌肉痙攣,或者喉嚨裡通往氣管的的開合不全所產生的暫時現象
吸入鼻腔症狀 v.s. 氣管塌陷
1.猛烈吸入鼻腔症狀→豬叫聲 v.s. 氣管塌陷→鵝叫聲
2.猛烈吸入鼻腔症狀→沒有治療的必要(不會惡化) v.s. 氣管塌陷→有治療的必要(會惡化)
3.猛烈吸入鼻腔症狀→發作時間較短 v.s. 氣管塌陷→發作時間較長
這是YOUTUBE上一隻小瑪的reverse sneezing狀況: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG5k9XVlh3c
Source: http://www.ehow.com/facts_6052592_reverse-vs_-tracheal-collapses-dogs.html
Reverse sneezing and tracheal collapse are two different problems that can affect dogs. Reverse sneezing occurs due to the temporary irritation of a dog's soft palate. Tracheal collapse develops over a long period and may need surgery to correct.
Reverse Sneezing
Reverse sneezing describes a condition known as paroxysmal respiration or pharyngeal gag reflex. According to VetInfo.com, reverse sneezing is not a serious condition but rather is a spasm characterized by a dog gasping and snorting. These spasms can occur in response to strong smells, dust, viruses, leash pulling and excitement.
Treatment: Reverse sneezing can be corrected with throat massage or by covering the dog's nose until the spasm ceases.
Trachea The trachea is a long tube made up of C-shaped cartilage rings. The trachea connects the nose, mouth and throat to the lungs, bringing air into the chest.
Tracheal Collapse Toy dogs are most commonly affected with tracheal collapse, with poodles, Yorkshire terriers and Pomeranians being the three breeds most affected by the condition.
Treatment: Dogs in the early stages of tracheal collapse may be helped by correcting any secondary conditions. Antibiotics, drugs to expand the airway or weight loss might be indicated. Surgery is the treatment of choice for severe disease or when medical treatment is ineffective.
How to Tell If a Dog Is Reverse Sneezing
Reverse sneezing is an involuntary spasm, caused by an irritation of the soft palate. During the spasm, air is rapidly pulled in through the nose and produces a loud snorting, honking or wheezing sound. The reverse sneeze often alarms dog owners, who may think their dogs can't breathe. The condition is minor and generally does not require a veterinarian's attention. However, it is vital to recognize a reverse-sneeze episode and rule out serious conditions, such as a collapsing trachea.
Look at your dog's posture. During a reverse-sneezing episode, the dog will stand still and stiff, with his elbows turned outward.
Notice how the dog holds her head. The dog will extend her neck and head upward as she reverse sneezes. Her eyes usually open wide.
Pay attention to the sound the dog makes. During a reverse sneeze, a dog will make a loud snorting and honking sound as the air is drawn inward through the nose. It may sound like "Snork!" If your dog has had more than one of these episodes, you'll notice that reverse sneezing has a very distinctive sound. The sound of a reverse sneezing is similar to a more serious condition, a collapsing trachea. A dog with a weakening and collapsing trachea will have a chronic cough similar to the honking of a goose. A dog with a collapsing trachea makes raspy sounds or coughs when you rub his throat. He will then gag or dry-retch at the end of the cough. Take your dog to the veterinarian if you suspect a collapsing trachea.
Notice how long the episode lasts. Reverse sneezing lasts one to two minutes.
Make sure your dog is behaving normally after the reverse-sneezing episode ends. Call your veterinarian if the dog acts ill or fatigued after a reverse-sneeze attack.
Gently massage the dog's neck or briefly pinch his nostrils shut to get him to swallow and breathe through his mouth. You also can try carefully touching the dog's tongue to stimulate the swallowing reflex, which may shorten an episode.
Tips & Warnings
Offering the dog something to eat or drink may shorten the reverse-sneezing episode.
Take the dog outside into the fresh air.
If your dog experiences reverse sneezing after pulling on his leash, switch from a traditional neck collar to a harness collar. The harness will not put pressure on the neck when the dog pulls on his leash.
Reverse sneezing often occurs at night or after a nap. It also can be triggered when the dog pulls on a leash or becomes very excited.
Consult a veterinarian if the dog has frequent reverse-sneeze attacks. Veterinarians typically test for viral infections, polyps, nasal mites and excessive tissue in the soft palate.
Make sure your dog is not choking on a foreign object. If you suspect he has something caught in his throat, take him to veterinarian immediately.
If you are worried that your dog may have a collapsing trachea, take him a veterinarian as soon as possible. The major sign of a collapsing trachea is a chronic cough that sounds like a goose honking. The cough often seems violent because the dog is forcing air through the trachea to open it. Dogs experiencing a collapsing trachea cough when excited or after a lot of activity.
If you fear that your dog is in serious distress, cannot breathe or collapses, take him to a veterinarian immediately.
A reverse sneeze should last no longer than two minutes. If the episode lasts longer, consult with your veterinarian.
Your dog should act normally after reverse sneezing. If he appears sick after an episode, take him to the veterinarian for evaluation.
Reverse Sneezing (Pharyngeal Gag Reflex)
Source: http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&A=2335
Authored by: Becky Lundgren, DVM
Reverse sneezing is a disconcerting event in which a dog makes unpleasant respiratory sounds that sound like it is dying -- or will die in the next few minutes. Reverse sneezing sounds similar to the honking noise made by a dog with a collapsing trachea, but reverse sneezing is a far simpler condition that usually does not need any treatment. It is called reverse sneezing because it sounds a bit like a dog inhaling sneezes. The sound the dog makes can be so scary that many owners have rushed in a panic to emergency clinics in the middle of the night.
The most common cause of reverse sneezing is an irritation of the soft palate and throat that results in a spasm. During the spasm, the dog’s neck will extend and the chest will expand as the dog tries harder to inhale. The problem is that the trachea has narrowed and it’s hard to get the normal amount of air into the lungs.
Anything that irritates the throat can cause this spasm and subsequent sneeze. Causes include excitement, eating or drinking, exercise intolerance, pulling on a leash, mites, pollen, foreign bodies caught in the throat, perfumes, viruses, household chemicals, allergies, and post-nasal drip. If an irritant in the house is the cause, taking the dog outside can help simply because the dog will no longer be inhaling the irritant. Brachycephalic dogs (those with flat faces, such as Pugs and Boxers) with elongated soft palates occasionally suck the elongated palate into the throat while inhaling, causing reverse sneezing. Small dogs are particularly prone to it, possibly because they have smaller throats.
Reverse sneezing itself rarely requires treatment. If the sneezing stops, the spasm is over. Oftentimes, you can massage the dog’s throat to stop the spasm; sometimes it’s effective to cover the nostrils, which makes the dog swallow, which clears out whatever the irritation is and stops the sneezing. If the episode doesn't end quickly, you can try depressing the dog’s tongue, which opens up the mouth and aids in moving air through the nasal passages. Treatment of the underlying cause, if known, is useful. If mites are in the laryngeal area, your veterinarian may use drugs such as ivermectin to get rid of the mites. If allergies are the root of the problem, your veterinarian may prescribe antihistamines. Because reverse sneezing is not a severe problem, do not worry about leaving your dog home alone; if it occurs when you're not there, the episode will most likely end on its own.
If reverse sneezing becomes a chronic problem rather than an occasional occurrence, your veterinarian may need to look up the nasal passages (rhinoscopy), and may even need to take a biopsy to determine the cause of the problem. Sometimes, however, no cause can be identified.
Some dogs have these episodes their entire lives; some dogs develop the condition only as they age. In most dogs, however, the spasm is a temporary problem that goes away on its own, leaving the dog with no after-effects.
Cats are less likely to reverse sneeze than dogs are. However, owners should always have the veterinarian examine the cat in case it's feline asthma, and not a reverse sneeze. Feline asthma requires more treatment than reverse sneezing does.