每年夏季時美國各主要大城市會舉辦一種遊樂園式的文藝復興慶典,這遊樂園裡所有工作人員都打扮成中古時期的人物,所有的市集佈置、商家小販、餐廳酒吧、街頭走秀、運動比賽、舞台劇表演都在營造一種讓遊客彷彿置身於另一個時代的感覺。 (芝城一般都在七八月舉行,門票大約一人$25至$30美金) 去參加的遊客們常常會把自己打扮成文藝復興時期的裝扮,以融入這遊樂區的慶祝主題
A Renaissance fair, Renaissance
faire, or Renaissance festival is an outdoor weekend
gathering, usually held in the United States, open to the public and generally
commercial in nature, which emulates a historic period for the amusement of its
guests. Some are permanent theme parks, others are short-term events in
fairgrounds or other large public or private spaces .
Renaissance fairs generally include an abundance of costumed entertainers,
musical and theatrical acts, art and handicrafts for sale, and festival
Most Renaissance fairs are arranged to represent an imagined village in England during the reign of Elizabeth I, as this period has been generally considered to correspond to the flowering of the English Renaissance.
In a modern Renaissance festival there are stages or performance areas set up for scheduled shows, such as plays in Shakespearean or anachronistic audience participation comedy routines. Other performances include dancers, magicians, musicians, jugglers, and singers. Between the stages the streets ('lanes') are lined with stores ('shoppes') and stalls where independent vendors sell medieval and Renaissance themed handcrafts, clothing, books, and artworks. There are food and beverage vendors, as well as game and ride areas. Games include basic skills events such as archery or axe-throwing. Rides are typically unpowered -- various animal rides and human-powered swings are common. Live animal displays and falconry exhibitions are also commonplace. Larger Renaissance fairs will often include a joust as a main attraction.
In addition to the staged performances, a major attraction of Renaissance fairs is the crowds of professional actors who play all sorts of historical figures and roam the fair, interacting with visitors. Visitors are encouraged to wear costumes, once any weapons are suitably peace-bonded, contributing to the illusion of an actual Renaissance environment. Many of the fair vendors sell or rent costumes for all ages and types. The Renaissance fair subculture's word for these costumed guests is "playtrons", a portmanteau of the words "patron" and "player", and they add a second level of enjoyment to their experience by "getting into the act" as Renaissance Lords and ladies, peasants, pirates, belly dancers, or fantasy characters.
Falconry or hawking is an art
or sport which involves the use of trained raptors (birds of prey) to hunt or
pursue game for humans. There are two traditional terms used to describe a
person involved in falconry: a falconer flies a falcon; an austringer flies a
這些是工作人員喔!他們的工作內容就是穿得美美,坐在這裡閒聊一整天 (這麼爽的工作,我也來吧!) 不過別小看他們,閒聊可是表演的一部分,表情手勢肢體語言無一不散發著中古世紀的高貴與優雅
夷?到底在演啥?不解~ (水果跟芝士看起來很好吃)
大合唱 - 大家的衣服都很美,嘴型也O得夠一致