這次去的奧蘭多迪士尼樂園(Orlando Disney World)位於佛羅里達州。小時候來過兩次,但時間倉促,印象並不深刻。只記得每個雲霄飛車都要排隊排好幾個小時,一天下來只能玩上幾個比較熱門的遊樂 設施,大多數時間都花在排隊上了,汗流浹背的,很不舒服。而這次,大概是因為淡季,再加上善用FAST PASS的系統,竟然幾乎都不需要排隊,排最長的隊伍頂多就是十來分鐘,大大地提升了我們對這種主題公園的好印象。再加上這次行程拉得很長,待了八天七 夜,心情上也比較輕鬆,以悠閒渡假的緩慢步調,細細品嘗各大主題公園裡的精緻設計與巧思。
原本以為FASS PASS是一種要另外加購的特殊門票選擇,去了才知道,其實FASS PASS是免費的。不像Univesal的Express需要購買,迪士尼的Fast Pass是每個遊客都有的一種權益,每個人都可以享受Fast Pass帶來的快捷和方便,很公平,而且還有效地調節分配了各熱門遊樂設施之間的客流量。
迪士尼的4個主題公園裡只有部分遊樂設施有提供Fast Pass。一進入園區,在入口處一定要記得先拿一張園區地圖,上面有列示哪些設施是有設有FASSPASS 服務的,地圖上找紅色斜體的"FP",就是Fast Pass的意思了。
入園每個人都有一張通行卡,用這張通行卡到到有提供FP的幾個遊樂設施入口處附設的FAST PASS機器(上面標示“FASTPASS Distribution”),把你的門票塞進去,然後機器下方就會吐出Fast Pass快速通關門票,很簡單。拿票之前,先看一下機器上方顯示的時段是否符合你的計劃。譬如說它接下來幾小時的Fast Pass已經被領光了,目前發送的是下午三點到四點的Fast Pass,那就要考慮考慮是否要領這個票,還是應該去找另外設施的FP,拿早一點時段的FP票。
Fast Pass上面印有快速通行的時段,通常會給一個小時的window,只要在此window間回來即可。這種有FP的遊樂設施,都有兩個入口,其中一個入口處會標示"Fast Pass Return",有工作人員把關檢視你的Fast Pass是否為正確時段。
Fast Pass的另一好處是,它"不會過期"!只要是當天的Fast pass,即使你已經錯過了上面列印的return時段,你還是可以拿著票回去走Fast Pass入口的。
DISNEY也很聰明,為了不讓大家一入園,就先去每個設施把這FAST PASS一鼓作氣全領完,它的系統設計讓每個人都只能拿一張,要等到你手上的這張FAST PASS所指定可以領取下一張的時間到了之後,才能再拿別的設施的FAST PASS。這樣的設計也挺合理的,這樣大家就不會狂拿一堆,又不按照時間回去用。
To Use FASTPASS Service:
- Look for the “FASTPASS Distribution” sign near the entrance of an attraction.
- Check the return time displayed on the sign.
- This time indicates when you should return to enjoy the attraction using your FASTPASS ticket.
- For attractions, the return time is a 1-hour window (e.g., 1:10 PM to 2:10 PM), and you can show up anytime between then. For shows, your return time will be for a specific performance.
- If the return time works for you, insert your valid admission ticket into the FASTPASS Service machine. (You may use your Walt Disney World Resort admission ticket, re-entry ticket, Key to the World card or Annual Pass.)
- The machine will generate a FASTPASS ticket printed with your return time.
- Go back to the FASTPASS ticketholder entrance when your return time rolls around, show your ticket to the Cast Member and enjoy the attraction with a minimal wait.
Please keep in mind:
- FASTPASS tickets are valid only on the day of issue.
- Everyone in your party using the FASTPASS ticketholder entrance must have a FASTPASS ticket.
- The time at which you can get your next one will be printed on your ticket. FASTPASS Service machines will not issue another ticket until the time stated on your current one.
除了拿地圖,也別忘了順便拿張Entertainment Schedule(Time Guide),遊行跟活動的時間地點都詳細附在上面。
有附設Fast Pass的遊樂設施列表:
Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park:
- Expedition Everest
- Kali River Rapids
- Kilimanjaro Safaris
- Primeval Whirl
Disney’s Hollywood Studios Theme Park:
- Rock ’n’ Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith
- Star Tours – The Adventures Continue
- Toy Story Mania!
- The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror
Magic Kingdom Theme Park:
- Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
- Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin
- Dumbo the Flying Elephant
- Jungle Cruise
- The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
- Peter Pan’s Flight
- Space Mountain
- Splash Mountain
- Under the Sea ~ Journey of the Little Mermaid
Epcot Theme Park:
- Captain EO starring Michael Jackson
- Living with the Land
- Maelstrom
- Mission: SPACE Pavilion
- Soarin’
- Test Track
佛羅里達州之奧蘭多迪士尼樂園Orlando Disney World 行程安排目錄: