
一朋友從上海回來芝加哥玩,大夥出去幫她接風。選了這家在Lakeview的義大利餐廳,一來是好停車,二來是吃過的人都說讚~ 是一家不算貴的義大利餐~ 本來老公也會來join我們的,但臨時加班所以放我們鴿子了~

餐廳門口 (這是一家超小巧的餐廳,裡面大概最多只能容納三十個人吧!所以一定要早到,或是事先定位~)

La Gondola Chicago Italian Restaurant Earns Top Pizza ZAGAT Rating Chicago’s Best Pizza and Italian Restaurant Recognized for 19th Straight Year By ZAGAT Rating Service


Grilled Calamari ($13 incl. 10% tax and 20% tips) (它網站上標的價格是舊的,已經全面調漲了~)

Black Mussels ($12 incl. tax & tips) Fresh in the Shell -Marinara or Diavolo (spicy tomato sauce)

Rigatoni Porcini (imported porcini mushrooms in tomato cream sauce) ($20 incl tax & tips) 我超愛這道的~ 它的Tomato creamy sauce好好吃喔~)

Chicken Parmigiana ($21 incl tax & tips)

Chicken Cacciatore ($21 incl tax & tips)

Linguini with shrimp ($14 incl tax & tips)

Cioppino Arrabiata

Risotto Primavera (蔬菜燉飯) 這道千萬不要點,超難吃的! 一點也不像義大利燉飯,反倒像是中國菜裡煮的過乾的稀飯~

甜點: 提拉米蘇 ($7 incl tax & tips)

甜點: 4 Baby Cannoli ($8 incl tax & tips)

這一餐一個人平均$36元~ (含一瓶酒$37及飯後咖啡)


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