
老公每次到越南餐廳都很愛點這道湯麵"越南螃蟹湯麵 Bun Rieu - Crab Meat Noodle Soup"。今天出差回來,早上問他想吃甚麼晚餐,他說想吃湯麵。所以就上網找了這個食譜照著做,結果還挺好吃的呢~ (雖然成品不是很好看,但中吃不中看對我們這種家常小吃也算過的去啦!)

做法很簡單: (English receipe attached below~)


1. 雞湯+水 (煮兩碗麵的份量)

2. 蝦仁切丁(我沒有蝦仁就用雞胸肉代替)

3. 一盒罐頭螃蟹肉

4. 2 顆雞蛋

5. 半袋越南式乾河粉(中等寬度)

6. 沙拉油

7. 蔥+洋蔥+大蒜切丁或切末

8. 番茄切塊

9. 綠豆芽一些

10. 綠檸檬一顆

11. 薄荷葉少許 (我沒有薄荷葉所以用九層塔葉代替)

調味料: 番茄醬半杯+ 一小匙鹽+ 1/4匙黑胡椒 + 一點辣椒醬 + 1/4杯魚露 + 1/4杯蝦醬 (我沒有蝦醬,所以用螃蟹湯粉醬代替)


1. 煮雞湯+水 (煮兩碗麵的份量),煮滾後關小火 + 番茄醬

2. 蝦仁切丁+ 黑胡椒 + 鹽 + 糖 (我沒有蝦仁就用雞胸肉代替)

3. 熱油鍋,將蒜末丟入爆香,再將調味好的蝦仁丁丟入炒一炒拿出放入一個小碗,把罐頭螃蟹以及蛋放入小碗跟炒好的蝦仁混合均勻 (A)

4. 將 (A) 緩慢的倒入雞湯中,並加入番茄塊,用小火煮十分鐘 (一定要用小火,這樣螃蟹跟蛋還有蝦仁才會凝固在一起產生越南螃蟹麵的口感),十分鐘後轉大火煮滾,加一點鹽及糖調味,即可關火

5. 關火後加入蔥末,盛入碗中,要吃之前加新鮮檸檬汁(一碗麵加半顆檸檬汁) 喜食辣的人也可以加一點辣椒醬、蝦醬跟魚露添味~

Bun Rieu - Crab Meat Noodle Soup
Vietnamese Soup!

3 qts. chicken broth, 2 qts. water
1/2 lb. Shrimp (peeled, devined and cut into small pieces)
3 1/2 oz. Crab paste (even better with real cooked crab meat)
4 large eggs
1 pkg. rice noodle (bu'n)
3 1/2 Tbls. cooking oil
1 bundle green onion (chopped)
1 medium onion (chopped)
3 cloves garlic (minced)
4 large tomatoes (each cut into quarters)
1 cup ketchup
2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/4 cup hot chili sauce
1/2 cup Vietnamese fish sauce
1/2 cup Shrimp sauce (ma'm to^m)
1 pkg of Bu'n (Vietnamese rice noodle)
1/2 lb. fresh bean sprouts
1 head green lettuce
2 Limes (cut into wedges)
1 bundle of fresh mint


1. In a large pot, combine 3 qts. of chicken broth with 2 qts. of water. Bring to boil. Meanwhile, peel and devine the shrimps. Chop it into small pieces. Add 1/2 tsp. pepper, 1/2 tsp. salt and sugar and mix well. Chop green onion into small pieces. Place in a bowl and set aside. Also, chop the white onion in small pieces. Cut each tomato into quarters. Mince the garlic. Clean bean sprouts and green lettuce. Cut lettuce cross-wise about 1/4 inch wide. Also cut the mints into small pieces. In a bowl, mix bean sprouts, lettuce, and mint together. Set aside.

2. When the broth boils, reduce heat to medium and add ketchup to broth. Then, in a frying pan, heat 2 Tbls. oil. When oil is hot, add garlic. Mix for 10-20 minutes and add shrimp and chopped white onion. Saute the shrimp for about 2 minutes. Place the cooked shrimp in a bowl, add eggs and crab paste and mix well. Slowly pour the shrimp mixture into the broth. Add tomatoes and turn the heat down to low. Let it cook like this for 10 minutes and then turn the heat up to high. Do not try to stir up the shrimp mixture or else it will not form nice chunky clusters. When the broth boils, it will mix everything up.

3. Mean while, cook the noodle in a boiling water for 7-10 minutes or per directions on the package. When rice noodle is cooked, add 1 tsp. of oil, stir well so the noodles don't stick. Rinse noodles with cold water and drain well.

4. When the broth returns to boil and shrimp paste floats to the surface, taste the broth to see if more salt and sugar are need. If needed, add more salt or sugar depending on your taste. Add the green onion pieces and 1/2 tsp. of oil to broth and turn off heat. Cut the lime into wedges and set aside.

5. Put the vegetable mix on a plate along with wedges of lime. Place noodles in a bowl and pour hot bu'n rieu soup into the bowl on top of noodle. Serve hot with hot chili sauce, shrimp sauce, and fish sauce if needed.


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