
在美國的烹飪節目上看來看去都是外國料理,要不然就是不東不西的美式中餐料理,想想既然這邊都是教西餐的節目,那我也來來學做西式料理好了。今天要挑戰的料理是"夏日鮭魚漢堡"!一向來料理鮭魚的方式都是以煎或烤為主,這是我第一次嘗試做"Salmon Cake",就是夾在漢堡裡的那塊魚肉堡~ 我用的是美國一個很有名的烹飪頻道"Food Network"上 Rachel Ray的食譜。Rachel Ray有一個節目專門介紹如何在30分鐘內做完一頓可以serve四到六人的晚餐~ 這次她在30分鐘內做了兩樣蔡: Salmon Cake Burger & Honey Mustard Potato Salad,看起來都很好吃,好像也不難,所以就來試作啦!(而且鮭魚是少數含有低量MERCURY的魚類,所以對孕婦來說是很好的蛋白質來源,我向來不愛吃魚或海鮮,總覺得有腥味很噁心,但這個漢堡堡真的很不賴,添加了檸檬跟一些特殊的spice,一點腥味都沒有!)


Salmon Cake 鮭魚堡材料:

1. Salmon 新鮮鮭魚肉

2. Seasoning: Poppy Seed + Sesame seed + Salt & Pepper + Grill seasoning (我沒有grill seasoning所以用一堆其他的spice代替: Italian seasoning, dry basil, dry thyme, ginger powder, garlic powder, coriander powder, lemon grass powder)

3. Fresh Dill


1. Sour Cream

2. Soft/Wipped Cream Cheese

3. Green Onion

4. Lemon zest & Juice



青菜部份: Tomato, Red Onion, Red Lettuce (番茄、紫紅色洋蔥、紫紅色生菜)


1. 將Salmon切成小塊丟入食物處理機(或果汁機應該也行)攪拌成細丁,將Salmon細丁放入一個鋼盆 (A)

2. 新鮮的Dill切小段(約0.5cm長)加入(A)中

3. 將所有seasoning的粉加一些到(A)中

4. 用手抓一抓攪拌均勻,即可捏成魚肉堡狀,放置約五至十分鐘,即可熱油鍋煎





5. 漢堡沾醬: 取等量的sour cream & cream cheese (2 table spoon each) + green onion 切末 + some Lemon zest + 1/4 lemon Juice

6. Tomato 切片, Red Onion 切成ring, Red Lettuce稍微切一切 (番茄、紫紅色洋蔥、紫紅色生菜)

7. 組合起來就是"鮭魚堡"了~ 很好吃喔~


老公吃得津津有味~ 說比外面的漢堡還好吃,用新鮮的深海鮭魚肉又比較健康,還直誇我可以去開餐廳了! :)

Original recipe:


  • 4 (6-ounce) skinless salmon fillets, cut into large chunks
  • 1 tablespoon grill seasoning, (recommended: Montreal Seasoning by McCormick)
  • 1 tablespoon poppy seeds
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
  • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill
  • Extra-virgin olive oil for drizzling
  • 1/2 cup softened cream cheese
  • 3 scallions, whites and greens, chopped
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • Green leaf lettuce, for topping
  • Sliced beefsteak or vine ripe tomato, for topping
  • Sliced red onion, for topping
  • Crusty kaiser rolls, split and toasted


Preheat outdoor grill if using to medium high. Prepare hot grill with cooking spray. Indoors, use a large skillet rather than a grill pan and preheat with a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil to medium-high heat.

Place salmon in food processor and pulse to coarse grind meat to form burgers. Transfer fish to a mixing bowl and season with grill seasoning, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, and dill. Mix and form 4 patties. Drizzle the burgers with extra-virgin olive oil.

Cook burgers 3 minutes on each side for a pink center, 4 to 5 minutes on each side for fully cooked fish.

While burgers cook, combine in a bowl the cream cheese and the scallions and fold in sour cream and lemon juice.

Top the burgers with lettuce, tomato, onion and sauce on crusty, toasted buns.




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