
話是這麼說,但還是挺羨慕那些可以連睡12小時的寶寶,所以又來試了一次百歲醫生的Cry-it-out方式,半夜小虎醒來換好尿布後不給他奶,讓小虎哭著睡著 (塞奶嘴也無用,一塞他就吐出來,繼續哭~)

倔強的小虎哭了整整一個半小時,而且是那種聲嘶力竭式的嚎啕大哭~ 我在一旁的Stress Level絕對不比他低,他哭得滿頭大汗,我也心急地全身冒汗~ (有每隔十分鐘,然後二十分鐘去安慰一次)


結果隔天一早他醒來喝奶時,竟然把眼神移往別處,面無表情,不肯看我~ 我心頭一震,他平常不是這樣的。早上起床第一眼看到我,通常都會很開心地朝我咧嘴一笑的。書上不是都說小北鼻不會記得昨晚夜裡發生的事嗎? 可我相信小虎是記得的~

看到他反常的表現,趕緊又上網查到底這種""cry-it-out"的方式好不好? (雖然老公早就警告過我不可以用這種方式,對北鼻不好,但我就是不信邪,想說這麼多媽媽都試成功了~)


哈佛醫學院的研究顯示,讓嬰兒連續長時間哭泣會對分泌一種壓力性賀爾蒙(cortisol stress hormones),讓腦神經長期曝露在這種壓力性賀爾蒙會造成永久性的神經系統傷害~


Science Says: Excessive Crying Could Be Harmful to Babies

Science tells us that when babies cry alone and unattended, they experience panic and anxiety. Their bodies and brains are flooded with adrenaline and cortisol stress hormones. Science has also found that when developing brain tissue is exposed to these hormones for prolonged periods these nerves won’t form connections to other nerves and will degenerate. Is it therefore possible that infants who endure many nights or weeks of crying-it-out alone are actually suffering harmful neurologic effects that may have permanent implications on the development of sections of their brain? Here is how science answers this alarming question:

Chemical and hormonal imbalances in the brain
Research has shown that infants who are routinely separated from parents in a stressful way have abnormally high levels of the stress hormone cortisol, as well as lower growth hormone levels. These imbalances inhibit the development of nerve tissue in the brain, suppress growth, and depress the immune system. 5, 9, 11, 16

Researchers at Yale University and Harvard Medical School found that intense stress early in life can alter the brain’s neurotransmitter systems and cause structural and functional changes in regions of the brain similar to those seen in adults with depression. 17

One study showed infants who experienced persistent crying episodes were 10 times more likely to have ADHD as a child, along with poor school performance and antisocial behavior. The researchers concluded these findings may be due to the lack of responsive attitude of the parents toward their babies. 14.

Dr. Bruce Perry’s research at Baylor University may explain this finding. He found when chronic stress over-stimulates an infant’s brain stem (the part of the brain that controls adrenaline release), and the portions of the brain that thrive on physical and emotional input are neglected (such as when a baby is repeatedly left to cry alone), the child will grow up with an over-active adrenaline system. Such a child will display increased aggression, impulsivity, and violence later in life because the brainstem floods the body with adrenaline and other stress hormones at inappropriate and frequent times. 6

Dr. Allan Schore of the UCLA School of Medicine has demonstrated that the stress hormone cortisol (which floods the brain during intense crying and other stressful events) actually destroys nerve connections in critical portions of an infant’s developing brain. In addition, when the portions of the brain responsible for attachment and emotional control are not stimulated during infancy (as may occur when a baby is repeatedly neglected) these sections of the brain will not develop. The result – a violent, impulsive, emotionally unattached child. He concludes that the sensitivity and responsiveness of a parent stimulates and shapes the nerve connections in key sections of the brain responsible for attachment and emotional well-being. 7, 8

Decreased intellectual, emotional, and social development
Infant developmental specialist Dr. Michael Lewis presented research findings at an American Academy of Pediatrics meeting, concluding that the single most important influence of a child’s intellectual development is the responsiveness of the mother to the cues of her baby.

Researchers have found babies whose cries are usually ignored will not develop healthy intellectual and social skills. 19

Dr. Rao and colleagues at the National Institutes of Health showed that infants with prolonged crying (but not due to colic) in the first 3 months of life had an average IQ 9 points lower at 5 years of age. They also showed poor fine motor development. (2)

Researchers at Pennsylvania State and Arizona State Universities found that infants with excessive crying during the early months showed more difficulty controlling their emotions and became even fussier when parents tried to consol them at 10 months. 15

Other research has shown that these babies have a more annoying quality to their cry, are more clingy during the day, and take longer to become independent as children 1.

Harmful physiologic changes
Animal and human research has shown when separated from parents, infants and children show unstable temperatures, heart arrhythmias, and decreased REM sleep (the stage of sleep that promotes brain development). 10 12, 13

Dr. Brazy at Duke University and Ludington-Hoe and colleagues at Case Western University showed in 2 separate studies how prolonged crying in infants causes increased blood pressure in the brain, elevates stress hormones, obstructs blood from draining out of the brain, and decreases oxygenation to the brain. They concluded that caregivers should answer cries swiftly, consistently, and comprehensively. (3) and (4)




無法讓寶寶睡過夜的媽媽就是失敗的嗎? 養了個脾氣倔強的寶寶就是方法錯誤或溺愛嗎?



至於睡過夜對於三個月大的寶寶真有那麼重要嗎? 我覺得小虎能連睡六小時,醒來喝十分鐘母奶,又立刻繼續睡兩至三小時,再喝十五分鐘母奶,繼續睡一至兩小時,然後醒來吃正式早餐(配方奶),這樣也算有連睡到十個小時左右,加上白天的兩次午睡,總共也有13-15小時。也算是夠了吧~

全職媽媽的我,其實一點也不在意半夜四五點把他抱上大床,小餵個十分鐘母奶,看著他閉著眼滿足地微笑,然後相擁入睡~ 這樣也挺美好的,不是嗎? 反正又不用趕早起來上班...

所以我決定到他長牙前都不再讓他哭超過半小時了~ (當然等他再大一些的確是需要訓練,需要規範。)

(還好換回夜奶制,他一早醒來又對我笑瞇瞇的了。好像不記得前晚被我虐待的突發事件~ 希望前晚讓他大哭了1.5小時沒有對他的腦神經造成永久傷害~ 我昨天一整天都很自責說...)


【Baby】小虎失聲記 (想訓練寶寶戒夜奶/自行入睡的媽媽們千萬要小心了! 寶寶可以哭多久?)



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